The WinRed team just released four new features to help your digital fundraising:

  1. Add a Thermometer Widget
  2. Duplicate Video Pages
  3. Add "Other" Option to Custom Fields
  4. Allow Recurring Radio Buttons to Have No Default Value

Here's what you need to know ⬇️

1. Add a Thermometer Widget

What's New: The Thermometer Widget allows you to set and show progress toward a fundraising goal to help drive action around important deadlines. 

Create a goal for Revenue, Subscribers, Leads, or Donors, and supporters will see how their donation or submission impacts the campaign's goal on the page.

We also included this in the bulk updater tool so you can easily update all your pages.

Learn about the Thermometer Widget here.

2. Duplicate Video Pages

What’s New: You can now duplicate Video Pages with a few clicks and not build them from scratch. 

In My Pages, simply click the three dots on the right side of your Video Page and select Duplicate Page.

Learn about Video Pages here.

3. Add an "Other" Option to Custom Fields

What’s New: Add an Other option to Multiple Choice and Radio Button Custom Fields. This allows supporters to enter their own responses to a question.

Custom fields are perfect for collecting additional information or turning pages into surveys and polls.

Learn about Custom Fields here.

4. Allow Recurring Radio Buttons to Have No Default Value

What’s New: Recurring Radio Buttons can now be set to have no default value.

This means a donor has to select an option to proceed with a donation.

Learn about Recurring Radio Buttons here.

Is your State, Local, or Federal campaign not on WinRed? Register here today!